In line with the University of San Carlos (USC) School of Arts and Sciences’ SAS Week 2021, the Carolinian Physics Society (PhySoc) and USC Astronomy Society will celebrate Physics Days 2021 with the theme Our Grand Unified Theory: How Physics Connects Us All in These Trying Times on 12-16 April 2021.
This event is a series of activities and contests that aim to promote passion and appreciation for Physics and to emphasize its importance in national development.
For more information on Physics Days 2021, please visit the USC Physics and Astronomy Society Facebook page.

- Universal Mindbreaker
Physics Quiz Bowl 2021 - 𝗤uantum Leap: Physics in a Nutshell
Physics Communication Video Contest - Chromavision
Physics Photography Competition - The Universe in our Pocket
Virtual Physics Demo Competition - Newton’s Trial
Physics Tiktok Challenge 2021 - Light-speed Trivia II
Daily Trivia Competition - Celestial Minds Season 2
Webinar Series