41st SPP Physics Conference @ Siargao
Keynote Speaker

Roger Freedman
University of California,
Santa Barbara
Online Keynote Presentation
Neutrons: Connecting Islands of Physics
SPP2023 Participants
China | 1 |
Germany | 1 |
India | 1 |
Italy | 1 |
Japan | 26 |
Korea | 3 |
Philippines | 308 |
Singapore | 1 |
Taiwan | 1 |
United States | 4 |
Vietnam | 1 |
SPP2023 Sponsors

The 41st SPP Physics Conference and Annual Meeting will be held on 19–21 July 2023 in a hybrid online and on-site format.
Del Carmen Convention Center and Baya Numancia
Siargao Island, Surigao del Norte
Conference Days
19 − 21 July 2023
SPP Committee Meetings and Orientation for New Members
22 July 2023
Scientific Network and Exchange Discussions
22 July 2023
Regular Registration
01 − 19 July 2023
Conference Topics
Atmospheric Physics and Geophysics
Complex and Dynamical Systems
Computational Physics
Condensed Matter Physics
Gravitational Physics
High Energy Physics
Instrumentation Physics
Statistical Physics
Machine Learning, Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence
Mathematical Physics
Materials Physics
Medical Physics and Biophysics
Optics and Photonics
Physics Education
Plasma Physics
Quantum Information and Quantum Computing
Contact Details and Links
SPP Secretariat
Conference Website
Manuscript Submission
Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas
SPP2023 Partner Institutions

Keynote Speaker
- Roger Freedman, University of California, Santa Barbara
Confirmed Invited Speakers
- Stephen Appleby, Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics
- Gerry Bagtasa, University of the Philippines Diliman
- Cecilia Bucayong, Central Mindanao University
- Alvin Chua, National University of Singapore
- Hector Da Silva, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
- Mia de los Reyes, Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology/Amherst College
- Takahiro Doi, Osaka University/Kyoto University
- Takao Fuji, Toyota Technological Institute
- Masafumi Fukunari, University of Fukui
- Norihiko Hayazawa, RIKEN Wakō
- Atsushi Hosaka, Osaka University
- Yoichi Ikeda, Osaka University
- Yuya Ishikawa, University of Fukui
- Kun Woo Kim, Chung-Ang University
- Alexandre Le Tiec, Observatoire de Paris
- Shi-Hsin Lin, National Sun Yat Sen University
- Marissa Pastor Liponhay, Asian Institute of Management
- Takahiro Matsuoka, University of Tennessee Knoxville
- Hiroaki Minamide, RIKEN Wakō
- John Christian Nacpil, Thinking Machines
- Toshiyuki Nohira, Kyoto University
- Chiko Otani, RIKEN Wakō
- Pramod Padmanabhan, Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar
- Emmanuel Lance Plan, Vietnam National University
- Ana Maria Rey, University of Colorado Boulder
- Nobuhiko Sarukura, Osaka University
- Kenji Sasaki, Osaka University
- Ivan Savenko, Guangdong Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
- Matthew Solt, University of Virginia
- Nataša Stojić, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
- Meng Sun, Beijing University of Technology
- Masahiko Tani, University of Fukui
- Keisuke Tominaga, Kobe University
- Maria Leilani Torres-Mapa, Leibniz Universität Hannover
- Michelle Marie Villamayor, Central Mindanao University
- Helvi Witek, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Yasuhiro Yamaguchi, Nagoya University
- Akira Yoshikawa, Tohoku University
Day 1
19 July 2023
0800-0845 Welcome Remarks
SPP President Johnrob Bantang
0845-0945 Keynote Address KA
KA-01 Roger Freedman – Neutrons: Connecting islands of physics
0945-1030 Plenary Session 1A
INV-1A-01 Helvi Witek – CSI Gravity: Investigating mysteries in modern physics with black holes
1030-1045 Break
1045-1230 Parallel Sessions 1B, 1C, & 1D
1B Optics and Photonics
INV-1B-01 Keisuke Tominaga – THz molecular science in condensed phases
INV-1B-02 Chiko Otani – 300 GHz THz walk-through body scanner
1B-03 – Effects of varying the oxide composition on the terahertz emission of n-Si/CuxO heterostructures
1B-04 – Detecting optical vortices in 2D
1B-05 – Defect modes in fractal medium-based one-dimensional photonic crystals with an integer medium-based defect layer
1B-06 – Design, simulation, and analysis of pulley-type, microring resonators (MRR)-based all-pass filter (APF) with initial fabricated chip in silicon (SOI) photonics integrated circuits1C High Energy and Nuclear Physics
INV-1C-01 Matthew Solt – Exploring light dark matter at accelerators
1C-02 – SUSY Dark Matter with (g − 2)µ in the Triplet-extended Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
1C-03 – Constraining heavy Majorana neutrino masses using final states with two leptons, jets, and missing energy at the LHC
1C-04 – Updated Stealth SUSY scan involving two photons and multiple jets
1C-05 – Parameter scan with neutrino mass in the Singlet-Triplet extension of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
1C-06 – Proton beam therapy energy degraders using graphite and graphite/boron carbide composite with single-block and multi-slab geometries: SRIM simulation and economic analysis
1C-07 – Neutron flux calculations for simplified PRR-1 SATER model using OpenMC1D Complex Systems and Data Analytics
INV-1D-01 Marissa Pastor Liponhay – Advancing smart city studies in the Philippines: Opportunities and implications
1D-02 – Non-Markovian stochasticity in planktonic predator-prey populations
1D-03 – Post-disaster resettlement insights from nighttime lights
1D-04 – Urbanization unveiled: A correlation study between PSA level of urbanization and VIIRS nighttime lights
1D-05 – The soundscape during the COVID-19 anthropause at the Institute of Biology, University of the Philippines Diliman
1D-06 – Sound source characterization using estimated signal components
1D-07 – Narrow-band chirp test as a method for determining resonant frequencies in Chladni plates1230-1330 Lunch
1330-1415 Plenary Session 1E
INV-1E-01 Yoichi Ikeda – Modeling the COVID-19 transmission
1415-1445 Parallel Special Sessions and Sponsors 1S
1SA-01 DOST-PCIEERD Special Session
Advancing Optics and Photonics in the Philippines: Market Trends, Funding Initiatives, and 2023−2030 Priority ProgramsSP1A Sponsor Presentation − FilAnaserve
SP1B Sponsor Presentation − ULVAC1445-1520 Poster Sessions PA & EA
1520-1700 Parallel Sessions 1F, 1G, & 1H
1F Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science
INV-1F-01 Takahiro Matsuoka − Study of emergent quantum phenomena of MPS3 under pressures
INV-1F-02 Kun Woo Kim − Topological metal arising from strongly disordered Floquet operators
1F-03 − Effect of tensile biaxial strain on the quantum capacitance of 1H two-dimensional NbSe2 via density functional theory calculations
1F-04 − Investigation of carrier mobility in InAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dots via optical pump-terahertz probe spectroscopy
1F-05 − Effects of interparticle interaction on the spin transport in a half-filled open elastic Fermi-Hubbard optical lattice
1F-06 − Dynamical phases in the driven-dissipative Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model1G Cosmology and Astrophysics
INV-1G-01 Alexandre Le Tiec − Tidal deformations of black holes
INV-1G-02 Hector Da Silva − Black hole scalarization
1G-03 − Tidal disruption radii of spherical mass distributions with central black holes
1G-04 − Gravitational lensing signatures in gravitational waves from binary black hole mergers
1G-05 − Clock effect for spinning particles in circular orbit around Schwarzschild-like spacetimes
1G-06 − Photon trajectories in an asymmetric Majumdar-Papapetrou spacetime1H Physics Education; Complex Systems and Data Analytics
INV-1H-01 Cecilia Bucayong − Experiential learning on vector operations using 3-D instructional apparatus
INV-1H-02 Norihiko Hayazawa − My Silver Jubilee at SPP: A look back at collaborations for 25 years
1H-03 − Identifying factors influencing the science proficiency of Filipino students in the PISA 2018 using machine learning
1H-04 − Binarizing the 1938 architectural drawings of the Agriculture and Commerce Building with shallow convolutional autoencoders
1H-05 − Classifying compressed physics article abstracts by locality-sensitive hashing
1H-06 − Modified inelastic bouncing ball model of binary granular mixtures: Effect of number of intruders
Day 2
20 July 2023
0900-1030 Plenary Session 2A
INV-2A-01 Ana Maria Rey – Optical lattice clocks: From timekeepers to spies of the quantum realm
INV-2A-02 Atsushi Hosaka – Exotic hadrons − with a brief overview of hadron-nuclear physics in Japan1030-1045 Break
1045-1230 Parallel Sessions 2B, 2C, & 2D
2B Optics and Photonics
INV-2B-01 Hiroaki Minamide − Pioneering intense sub-terahertz-wave generation by nonlinear optical effects
INV-2B-02 Nobuhiko Sarukura − Spectral imaging of cultural assets using newly-developed fluoride ultraviolet optics
2B-03 − Investigating the optical absorption of gallium arsenide with gold plasmonic nanodisk array via RCWA- and FDTD-based simulation
2B-04 − Eliminating local phase errors in unordered wave propagation phase retrieval using phase patch method
2B-05 − Coupled-resonator-induced transparency (CRIT) analysis of the crisscrossed coupled-ring reflector (X-CRR)
2B-06 − In-line optical feedback interferometry with 510 nm semiconductor laser and digital post-detection filtering2C High Energy and Nuclear Physics
INV-2C-01 Takahiro Doi − Baryon-baryon interaction from lattice QCD
INV-2C-02 Yasuhiro Yamaguchi − Exotic hadrons: Rich structure of multiparticle state near thresholds
2C-03 − Resonance-like structure of triangle singularity
2C-04 − Compositeness of hadronic states in coupled-channel separable potential model
2C-05 − XCOM and EpiXS evaluation of cosmic radiation shielding effectiveness of cerium oxide and bismuth oxide doped nanocoating for satellite applications
2C-06 − PHITS calculation of gamma doses in the PRR-1 SATER facility2D Cosmology and Astrophysics
INV-2D-01 Mia de los Reyes − The loneliest galaxies: Early results from the Dwarfs In Void Environments (DIVE) Survey
INV-2D-02 Stephen Appleby − Cosmological parameter constraints from large scale structure
2D-03 − Jitter-based method for Hubble function reconstruction
2D-04 − Populating dark matter halos with galaxies using machine learning
2D-05 − Radial acceleration relation of elliptical galaxies in MaNGA
2D-06 − Projected constraints on the abundance of primordial black holes from LISA for a broad primordial spectrum1230-1330 Lunch
1330-1415 Plenary Session 2E
INV-2E-01 Alvin Chua – Observing gravitational-wave sources with space-based detectors
1415-1445 Parallel Special Sessions and Sponsors 2S
2SA-01 Women in Physics Panel Discussion
Reinabelle Reyes, University of the Philippines Diliman − Moderator
Marissa Balatero, University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Marienette Vega, University of the Philippines Diliman
Michelle Villamayor, Central Mindanao University
Helvi Witek, University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignSP2A Sponsor Presentation − Sigmatech and Littelfuse
SP2B Sponsor Presentation − ALVTechnologies1445-1520 Poster Sessions PB & EB
1520-1700 Parallel Sessions 2F, 2G, & 2H
2F Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science
INV-2F-01 Nataša Stojić – Multiferroicity and magnetoelectric effects in two-dimensional materials
2F-02 – First-principles investigation of the electronic and magnetic properties of heptauthrene nanostructure on Cu(111) substrate
2F-03 – Predicting the minimum energy pathway of 1H to 1T phase transition of 2D monolayer ScS2 using machine learning
2F-04 – Lambert W function of the critical temperature as a function of the anisotropic parameter in 2D square Ising model
2F-05 – Simulation of terahertz emission by a textured gallium arsenide using the Drude-Lorentz model
2F-06 – Investigation of water as solvent alternative for methanol-based ZIF-8 synthesis
2F-07 – Comparison of the terahertz emission from zinc oxide and low-temperature-grown gallium arsenide photoconductive antennas via the Drude-Lorentz model2G Complex Systems and Data Analytics
INV-2G-01 John Christian Nacpil – The data that shapes our world: Leveraging geospatial data and AI for positive social impact
INV-2G-02 Kenji Sasaki – Analysis of COVID-19 spread based on confirmed cases in Japan
2G-03 – Modified Radiation Model for the steady-state population distribution in a settlement network of Siargao, Philippines
2G-04 – Single-disease and two-cooperative epidemics on a Vicsek model of swarming mobile agents
2G-05 – Tracking the motion of particles on a Chladni plate through a genealogical algorithm
2G-06 – Image denoising via wavelet transform-based compressive sampling2H Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
INV-2H-01 Emmanuel Lance Plan – Stretching in turbulent fluid regimes
INV-2H-02 Pramod Padmanabhan – Fermionic quantum memory
2H-03 – Quantum DNA sequencing using Gaussian amplitude amplification
2H-04 – On the uniqueness of flat thermodynamic geometries
2H-05 – The free time of arrival problem in quantum phase space
2H-06 – Autoparallel deviation with torsion and non-metricity1700 Banquet Dinner
2SA-01 Women in Physics
Panel Discussion
Conference Day 2
20 July 2023
Join us for a panel discussion with women physicists from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. Our panelists will discuss their journey into physics, the challenges they have faced, and their advice for other women interested in pursuing careers in the field.
Reinabelle Reyes, University of the Philippines Diliman
Marissa Balatero, University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Marienette Vega, University of the Philippines Diliman
Michelle Marie Villamayor, Central Mindanao University
Helvi Witek, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Day 3
21 July 2023
0900-1030 Plenary Session 3A
INV-3A-01 Toshiyuki Nohira – Electrodeposition of silicon, titanium and tungsten from molten fluoride-chloride systems
INV-3A-02 Michelle Marie Villamayor – Plasma technology: From research to industry1030-1045 Break
1045-1230 Parallel Sessions 3B, 3C, & 3D
3B Optics and Photonics
INV-3B-01 Masahiko Tani – Terahertz time-domain coherent Raman spectroscopy for investigation of low-frequency molecular vibrational modes
INV-3B-02 Yuya Ishikawa – Multi-frequency electron spin resonance apparatus using a high-power light source compact gyrotron
INV-3B-03 Masafumi Fukunari – Development of advanced high-frequency gyrotrons with frequency tunability and Gaussian beam output
3B-04 – Effect of As flux on the optical properties of InAs quantum dashes grown by molecular beam epitaxy for 2 μm lasers
3B-05 – Robust 3D Bessel beam scanning with a long depth of field
3B-06 – Simulation, fabrication, and initial characterization of two hybrid double ring resonator architecture
3B-07 – Increasing the resolution of an optical microscope via Fourier ptychography3C Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science
INV-3C-01 Akira Yoshikawa – Development of state-of-the-art crystals and technologies at the university and their social implementation through academic startups
3C-02 – Quasi-periodic amplitude masks for light sheet fluorescence microscopy: An exploration in nature-inspired design
3C-03 – Grafting of fluorosilane molecule on aluminum substrate using a two-step functionalization technique
3C-04 – Effect of substrate heating and bias on the DC reactive magnetron sputtering of ZnO using Ar-H2O plasma
3C-05 – Direct-current triboelectric nanogenerator energy harvesting from footfalls (DC-TENGEHF)
3C-06 – Morphological and elemental analysis of space launch vehicle debris retrieved from a Philippine coastal area
3C-07 – Detection of refined coconut oil as adulterant in virgin coconut oil using UV-Vis spectroscopy coupled with PCA3D Earth Systems Physics
INV-3D-01 Gerry Bagtasa – Extreme pre-landfall rapid intensification of Typhoon Odette in an unfavorable environment
3D-02 – Assessment of December to May 1-month lead statistical drought hindcasts for the Philippines
3D-03 – How the Philippines contributes to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
3D-04 – Markov chain analysis of southwest monsoon rainfall time-series data from 1951 to 2021 in areas with Type I Philippine climate
3D-05 – Karst networks from an optimizing neuronal branching model
3D-06 – Measurement of natural radioactivity from copper-gold mine tailings storage facility in Benguet Province, Philippines
3D-07 – Detection of microplastics using a DSLR lens-based UV imaging system1230-1330 Lunch
1330-1415 Plenary Session 3E
INV-3E-01 Takao Fuji – Hyperspectral imaging with sub-cycle mid-infrared pulses
1445-1520 Poster Sessions PC, EC, & ED
1520-1700 Parallel Sessions 3F, 3G, & 3H
3F Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science
INV-3F-01 Shi-Hsin Lin – Tuning the symmetry of materials: Design of two-dimensional ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials
3F-02 – Probing localization in one-dimensional chains with quasiperiodic potentials using non-Hermitian vector potentials
3F-03 – Hydrogen evolution reaction activity on 2D ZrSeTe Janus transition metal dichalcogenide: The case of pristine monolayer, with defect and with biaxial strain
3F-04 – Carbon monoxide adsorption and dissociation on pristine and doped two-dimensional tin (stanene): A density functional theory study
3F-05 – Effect of Ni/Co doping on the electronic properties of zinc oxide: Density functional theory calculations
3F-06 – Excitation and bias voltage-dependence of the terahertz emission from low-temperature-grown photoconductive antenna devices at different temperatures
3F-07 – Investigating effects of varying parameters on eclipsed PLD through DSMC simulations using SPARTA3G Biological and Medical Physics
INV-3G-01 Maria Leilani Torres-Mapa – Biophotonics modalities for optical control and visualization of cardiac activity
3G-02 – Simulation of chest posteroanterior x-ray procedure using stylized phantom and Monte Carlo method
3G-03 – Specific absorption rate analysis of a multi-layered arm model exposed to sinusoidal plane waves using FDTD method
3G-04 – 3D reconstruction of intra-cavity objects using a catadioptric imaging system
3G-05 – Characterization of hydrogel-based biomaterials for 3D printed artificial tissue scaffolds
3G-06 – Dengue risk mapping of Cabanatuan City in 2018 using Geographic Information System and remote sensing data
3G-07 – Development of a simplified virtual source model from Varian Clinac iX phase space files for photon beam radiotherapy3H Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
INV-3H-01 Ivan Savenko – Photoinduced supercurrents and Hall effect in 2D superconductors
INV-3H-02 Meng Sun – Superconductivity in Fibonacci chain
3H-03 – Geometric Leggett mode in the two-band superconductors
3H-04 – A comparison of Positive-P and truncated Wigner methods for the dynamics of a minimal atom-cavity model
3H-05 – Quantum heat engine efficiency of a small spin system with anisotropy
3H-06 – Decoherence of a quantum harmonic oscillator system1730 SPP Members Annual Business Meeting
Posters PA/EA (Materials Science, Instrumentation, and Photonics)
Day 1
19 July 2023
1445 − 1520
PA-01 [poster] |
Multilayered proton radiation shielding using metal alloy, aluminosilicate, and polymer: SRIM simulation and economic analysis |
PA-02 [poster] |
Estimation of non-stoichiometric oxygen content of YBa2Cu3O7−δ superconductors using XRD simulation superconductors using XRD simulation |
PA-03 [poster] |
Evolution of Raman spectra of MoS2 heterostructure based on thickness and laser power dependence |
PA-04 [poster] |
Target thickness and laser intensity dependence of ion implosion in hollow cylindrical targets |
PA-05 [poster] |
Electronic structure and relative permittivity of α-alumina in the generalized gradient approximation |
PA-06 [poster] |
Parallel Monte Carlo simulation of the 2D Ising model using CPU and mobile GPU |
PA-07 [poster] |
Fractal dimension, critical exponents, and weak universality on a modified 2D Ising model |
PA-08 [poster] |
PHITS computational investigation of the gamma attenuation properties of metal oxide-doped Philippine natural bentonite |
PA-09 [poster] |
Evaluation of the neutron field uniformity from a plutonium-beryllium howitzer using PHITS |
PA-10 [poster] |
Finite element analysis of air-coupled dual electrode bimorph piezoelectric micromachined ultrasonic transducers |
PA-11 [poster] |
Investigating the effect of different molecular weights of polyethylene glycol (PEG) on the viscosity of the continuous phase in oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions using fluorescence microscopy and emulsion tracking technique |
PA-12 [poster] |
Study of femtosecond pulsed laser heating of bilayer metallic films at various laser angles of incidences and polarizations using the two-temperature model |
PA-13 [poster] |
Spatial variation of BSCCO elemental components deposited via fs-PLD |
PA-14 [poster] |
Extraction of optical material parameters of glass in the terahertz range |
PA-15 [poster] |
Spectral analysis of AlN annealed at elevated temperatures |
PA-16 [poster] |
Effects of intentional doping on the thermoelectric properties of copper oxide and zinc oxide films zinc oxide films |
PA-17 [poster] |
PHITS computational investigation of the neutron shielding ability of HMPE sheets with B4C and Gd2O3 fillers |
PA-18 [poster] |
Vanadium thin film deposition on glass substrates using magnetron sputtering |
PA-19 [poster] |
Distinguishing dielectric materials using spatial Goos-Hänchen shift |
PA-20 [poster] |
Contrast of a DIY radial polarizer for locating the Sun |
PA-21 [poster] |
Analysis of the mixing characteristics of a T-shaped collision type micromixer via computational fluid dynamics approach |
PA-22 [poster] |
Estimating the lattice constants from x-ray diffraction patterns in the presence of a zero-point shift |
PA-23 [poster] |
Effect of simulated slit geometry on simulated interference pattern intensity as measured by light-dependent resistor |
PA-24 [poster] |
Material parameter calculation of semiconductor substrates via terahertz time-domain spectroscopy |
PA-25 [poster] |
Effects of annealing temperature on the electrical properties of PEDOT:PSS films deposited on glass substrate |
PA-26 [poster] |
PHITS computational investigation of the neutron shielding ability of low-density polyethylene-mixed clay matrix in medical linear accelerator facilities |
PA-27 [poster] |
Computed tomography image reconstruction: Effect of detector width to the image quality |
PA-28 [poster] |
Stokes parameters of light in a modified Young’s double-slit experiment |
PA-29 [poster] |
Cost-efficient generation of vector vortex beam from randomly polarized light source |
PA-30 [poster] |
Exploring the adsorption capacity of acid-modified Philippine Natural Zeolites in wastewater treatment |
PA-31 [poster] |
Distributed high yield hardware random number generator |
PA-32 [poster] |
Raman spectroscopy of graphene on GaAs |
PA-33 [poster] |
Entropy and specific heat features of a four spin system at its energy level crossings |
PA-34 [poster] |
Effect of sputtering gas ratio and post-annealing parameters on AlN thin films deposited via low power RF magnetron sputtering |
PA-35 [poster] |
Spintronic terahertz emission from a Ni/Pt bilayer film with a spoof surface plasmonic structure |
PA-36 [poster] |
Improving the accuracy of decay constant approximation in the radioactive dice experiment using polyhedral dice and varying the initial number of dice in multiple trials |
PA-37 [poster] |
Modeling of thermal energy transfer in two-layer metal undergoing femtosecond pulsed laser ablation using spring-mass coupled oscillator |
PA-38 [poster] |
Optical study of the electronic structure and lattice dynamics of SmBaMn2O6 single crystal |
PA-39 [poster] |
Modeling thermal energy transfer in copper undergoing femtosecond pulsed laser ablation using simple coupled pendulum |
EA-01 [poster] |
Hydration dynamics of temperature-responsive polymers measured by broadband spectroscopy |
EA-02 [poster] |
Temperature dependence of dielectric response of deep eutectic solvent of lauric acid and menthol from sub-GHz to THz frequency range |
EA-03 [poster] |
Radiation shielding properties of concrete blended with rice husk ash, oyster shell powder, and ferrous powder |
EA-04 [poster] |
The effect of grain boundaries on hydrogen retention and diffusion in polycrystalline tungsten |
EA-05 [poster] |
Assessment of the particle integrity of gamma-irradiated iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles after sterilization |
EA-06 [poster] |
Density functional calculations of the electronic properties of methylammonium tin iodide (CH3NH3SnI3) at different Ge doping concentrations |
EA-07 [poster] |
Assessment of the particle integrity of gamma-irradiated iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles after sterilization |
EA-08 [poster] |
[110] ZnTe as a Faraday rotator under AC and DC magnetic fields at 780-nm optical excitation |
EA-09 [poster] |
Facile fabrication of photosensitive 0.4M HCl acid-doped polyaniline/n-Si(100) heterojunction for enhanced device performance |
EA-10 [poster] |
Dimensional effect in carrier concentration and electrical conductivity of nondegenerate and degenerate semiconductors |
EA-11 [poster] |
Assessment of the photon shielding quantities of historical lime mortars from Spanish colonial structures in the Philippines |
EA-12 [poster] |
Photoluminescent enhancement via Forster resonance energy transfer mechanism on extracted Curcuma longa-deposited textiles |
EA-13 [poster] |
A comparison of identification methods for Type III Solar Radio Bursts |
EA-14 [poster] |
Geomagnetic field effects over the Philippines during strong solar flare events in April 2022 |
EA-15 [poster] |
Preliminary assessment of precipitable water vapor forecasting using long short-term memory: A physics-assisted deep learning model |
Posters PB/EB (Complex Systems, Simulations, and Theoretical Physics)
Day 2
20 July 2023
1445 − 1520
PB-01 [poster] |
Investigation of satellite-derived soil wetness and the incidence of cholera in the Philippines |
PB-02 [poster] |
Forecasting next day wildfires through image segmentation using convolutional neural networks |
PB-03 [poster] |
Einstein: A proposed activation function for convolutional neural network (CNN) in image classification and its comparison to ReLU, Leaky ReLU, and Tanh |
PB-04 [poster] |
Performance of genetic algorithm optimized Doc2Vec-kNN for classifying space science and adjacent fields documents with heterogenous sampling |
PB-05 [poster] |
Novel Einstein’s Relativity Transform (ERT) for image compression |
PB-06 [poster] |
Filipino text classification by Universal Language Model Fine-tuning (ULMFiT) |
PB-07 [poster] |
Observing the power restoration trend in Camarines Sur’s coastal communities using Black Marble nighttime light data in the 2020 typhoon season |
PB-08 [poster] |
Characterization of shore response to a groin field using TikTak and BFGS optimization algorithms |
PB-09 [poster] |
Estimating energy generation of a solar photovoltaic panel in Quezon City with a multi-layer perceptron model using meteorological parameters |
PB-10 [poster] |
Simulation of gamma dose from shielded TRIGA fuel using OpenMC |
PB-11 [poster] |
Effect of spike-defective neurons in a nonlinear neuronal cellular automata model |
PB-12 [poster] |
Effects of braces in the normal modes of linear elastic disks |
PB-13 [poster] |
Probability mass functions of the pre-absorption positions of a stochastically resetting random walker |
PB-14 [poster] |
Paths formed by a noisy ant pheromone trail model |
PB-15 [poster] |
Excitation transfer rates in a cyanobacterial photosystem I in the dipolar coupling approximation |
PB-16 [poster] |
Effect of probe-to-probe collisions in three-dimensional space on the measured diffusion coefficient |
PB-17 [poster] |
Characterizing the imbalance of Customs dataset-derived nutrition estimates through entropy distributions |
PB-18 [poster] |
Small group task dynamics using a one-parameter inequality interaction model |
PB-19 [poster] |
Satellite image-based Philippine Tropical Cyclone intensity classification using convolutional neural networks |
PB-20 [poster] |
Estimation of the effective reproduction number of COVID-19 in NCR using differentiable physics simulation and its association with meteorological factors |
PB-21 [poster] |
Self-force as a probe of pressure anisotropies inside relativistic stars |
PB-22 [poster] |
Escape time distributions of charged particles from uniformly magnetized Newtonian centers |
PB-23 [poster] |
Meshfree black hole toy evolution and excision using artificial neural networks |
PB-24 [poster] |
Bound orbits around a black hole surrounded by a galaxy |
PB-25 [poster] |
Quantum speed limit times of qubit systems in time-dependent potentials |
PB-26 [poster] |
Flight time optimization of cylindrical constrained solar sail trajectoriesFlight time optimization of cylindrical constrained solar sail trajectories |
PB-27 [poster] |
Mass and compactness of a magnetized anisotropic star |
PB-28 [poster] |
The effect of frequency mismatch to orbital synchrony of two double white dwarfs |
PB-29 [poster] |
Blood flow assessment of aortic aneurysms implanted with stent graft using computational fluid dynamics |
PB-30 [poster] |
Dynamics characterization and prediction of seismic-induced soil liquefaction |
PB-31 [poster] |
The scientific collaboration network of the College of Science, University of the Philippines Diliman |
PB-32 [poster] |
Word adjacency network of the Philippine Supreme Court general registers from 1996−2020 |
PB-33 [poster] |
Steady-state analysis of a three-level compartmental model for disinformation propagation in a set of agents |
PB-34 [poster] |
Protected and unprotected bike lanes in mixed traffic |
PB-35 [poster] |
Revealing bias when measuring Twitter interaction network structure |
PB-36 [poster] |
Equilibrium states of a rigid dumbbell test mass in the Sitnikov circular-restricted (2+2)-body problem |
PB-37 [poster] |
Sound synthesis with totalistic rule cellular automata |
PB-38 [poster] |
Numerical analysis of ball motion across a two-zone turntable with periodic angular velocities |
PB-39 [poster] |
Performance analysis of physics-informed neural networks for a damped forced oscillator system |
PB-40 [poster] |
Fake news detection in Philippine news corpus using LDA and sentiment analysis with machine learning |
PB-41 [poster] |
Identification of actionable tweets during Philippine disasters using machine learning Authors |
PB-42 [poster] |
Comparing bike networks and street networks through network orientation entropy |
PB-43 [poster] |
Insights on scientific collaboration among Philippine Physics researchers from co-authorship network analysis |
PB-44 [poster] |
Entropy measurements on news attention and news homogeneity using the GDELT v2.0 dataset |
PB-45 [poster] |
Election opinion dynamics through the 2D Ising model |
EB-01 [poster] |
Evaluating disease transmission risks in public transport using agent-based modeling |
EB-02 [poster] |
Predicting wealth indices of Philippine household clusters with machine learning using MOSAIKS features |
EB-03 [poster] |
Improving the stability of asymmetric electron beams in hollow plasma channels |
EB-04 [poster] |
First passage time density of Brownian motion with power law time-dependent diffusion |
EB-05 [poster] |
First passage time of periodically modulated Brownian motion |
EB-06 [poster] |
Solution of the fractional point reactor equations with an exponentially decaying neutron source |
EB-07 [poster] |
Characterization of critical strain of hydrogel mixtures subjected to oscillatory deformation using an empirical model |
EB-08 [poster] |
Reproducing inter-cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning using a one-dimensional electric circuit model |
EB-09 [poster] |
Irreversible decoherence of a qubit immersed in an N-qubit environment |
EB-10 [poster] |
Mechanical properties and attenuation ability of biowaste-derived CaCO3 using EpiXS software and medical linear accelerator for radiation shielding applications |
Posters PC/EC (Mathematical Physics, Optics, and Interdisciplinary Topics)
Posters ED (High School Project Submissions)
Day 3
21 July 2023
1445 − 1520
PC-01 [poster] |
The Riemann zeta function and finite-part integration |
PC-02 [poster] |
Unit-shift in arguments of transformed generalized hypergeometric functions: The case of 4F3(β, −1/2 , 1, 3/2; β+σ, 1/2 , 3; z) |
PC-03 [poster] |
Terminating asymptotic series of some integral transforms containing exponential type functions |
PC-04 [poster] |
Eigenfunctions of the free shifted time of arrival |
PC-05 [poster] |
Construction of time of arrival operators for inverse cube potential |
PC-06 [poster] |
Transfer matrix method to solve for bound state energies of a one-dimensional quantum well system |
PC-07 [poster] |
Emergence of neutrino mass in the Triplet Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (TNMSSM) |
PC-08 [poster] |
Three-channel uniformized amplitude using Jost function formalism |
PC-09 [poster] |
One-dimensional classical dynamics with maximal length uncertainty |
PC-10 [poster] |
Solving a nonlinear Modified Burgers’ equation with a forcing term using a new Parametric Sinh-Method |
PC-11 [poster] |
Speckle formation through an optically thick diffuser: A wave propagation-based model |
PC-12 [poster] |
Super-resolution generative adversarial network applied to images filtered by Fourier transform circle mask |
PC-13 [poster] |
Modified Watanabe-Strogatz transformation equation for dimension reduction based on the phase response of photonic integrated circuits (PICs) |
PC-14 [poster] |
Noise-tolerant fringe evaluation using statistical fringe processing |
PC-15 [poster] |
DC magnetron sputtering device of Ta thin film on glass |
PC-16 [poster] |
Characterization of 13.56 MHz RF atmospheric pressure plasma sources for ion mobility spectrometry |
PC-17 [poster] |
In silico ion channel-particular transport in an organic semiconductor-implanted retina |
PC-18 [poster] |
Gross alpha and beta analysis of groundwater samples in Barangay 206 Zone 19 in Tondo, Manila |
PC-19 [poster] |
A technique for wound area measurement using stereometry and mesh analysis |
PC-20 [poster] |
Investigating the response of a light-dependent resistor to structured light |
PC-21 [poster] |
Virtual Kulintang prototype using computer vision |
PC-22 [poster] |
Study of Σc+D̅0 with D partial wave component using a separable potential model |
PC-23 [poster] |
Entanglement of top-antitop quark pair from proton-proton collision at √s = 100 TeV |
PC-24 [poster] |
Width-asymptotics of the solution to the diffusion equation with Stieltjes initial condition |
PC-25 [poster] |
Multiple solutions to the free time-energy canonical commutation relation |
PC-26 [poster] |
Quantum time of arrival for the cubic potential using the Weyl basis operators |
PC-27 [poster] |
Dynamics of the shifted time of arrival with time-reversal symmetry for the free particle case |
PC-28 [poster] |
Application of finite-part integration in the evaluation of the generalized Stieltjes transform |
PC-29 [poster] |
Feasibility of probing the correlation function via deep learning |
EC-01 [poster] |
Wind-wave interaction analysis using the WaveWatch III (WW3) model in the Northwest Pacific Ocean during Typhoon Domeng (Maliksi) in 2018 |
EC-02 [poster] |
Dual-polarization weather radar quantitative precipitation estimation: A case study in Baguio Philippines |
EC-03 [poster] |
Spatiotemporal variability of station-based rainfall anomaly index for localized monsoon rainfall monitoring in the Philippines |
EC-04 [poster] |
Application of SWIRLS Nowcasting System in QPE generation: A preliminary performance evaluation using the case of 2022 Typhoon Karding (Noru) in Metro Manila, Philippines |
EC-05 [poster] |
A stochastic model of the fluctuating seismic parameters extracted from 1994-2020 Philippine earthquake catalog |
EC-06 [poster] |
Unveiling protein distribution patterns in bacterial genomes: Insights from white noise analysis with exponentially decaying memory |
EC-07 | Withdrawn |
EC-08 [poster] |
Jones matrices for radial and tangential polarizations |
EC-09 [poster] |
Beam profiling and dose homogeneity determination of an X-ray irradiator (CellRad™) using radiochromic film |
EC-10 [poster] |
Development and validation of mirrors and lenses module for the new normal |
ED-01 [poster] |
Arduino-Based Water Quality Measuring Device |
ED-02 [poster] |
Automated sprinkler system using Arduino for horticuture |
ED-03 [poster] |
PROJECT ALARMS: Arduino-based level assessor for river monitoring with SMS system |
ED-04 [poster] |
Evaluating the effectiveness of organic liquid fertilizer composed of eggshells, banana peels, and malunggay leaves |
Guidelines for Contributed Poster submissions
- Please upload a PDF version of your poster through the submission link above (maximum file size 10MB).
- The poster PDF will be shared online and will be downloadable by registered attendees until the conference ends.
- All authors must make arrangements for a size A0 poster to be mounted on-site for the benefit of on-site attendees.
- If no author can present the poster on-site, the poster should contain online meeting details.
Guidelines for Contributed and Invited Talk submissions
- Please upload a PPTX or PDF version of your presentation submission through the link above (maximum file size 10MB).
- This file will be saved on the presenting computer for smooth talk transitions.
- Remote presenters can also upload a video recording of their talk if they expect connectivity issues.
Conference Fees |
Early (1 May to 30 Jun) |
Regular (01 Jul − 19 Jul) |
Undergraduate and High School Students | 1500 | 2000 |
Graduate Students | 4000 | 5000 |
High School Teachers | 4000 | 5000 |
Associate SPP Members | 3600 | 4000 |
Regular SPP Members | 3600 | 4500 |
Partner Society Members (JSAP, PS-Taiwan) |
3600 | 4500 |
Non-members (Local participants) |
4800 | 6000 |
Non-members (International participants) |
USD 150 (PHP 8300) |
USD 200 (PHP 11100) |
[Announcements have closed. See you next year!]
The SPP2023 Conference will take place at the Del Carmen Convention Center and Bayay Numancia in Del Carmen, Siargao Island, Surigao del Norte, Philippines. There are several ways to travel to the convention center:
If you’re coming from Sayak Airport, Siargao Island, take a tricycle or a rent a van to Del Carmen. The travel time is approximately 30-45 minutes.
If you’re coming from General Luna or Cloud 9 area, take a tricycle or a van to Del Carmen. The travel time is approximately 20-30 minutes.
Once you arrive in Del Carmen town proper, you can ask for directions to the Del Carmen Convention Center. The convention center is located near the town hall and the Del Carmen pier.