Academician Jose B. Cruz, Jr. will be the keynote speaker for the 38th SPP Physics Conference in Legazpi City, Albay. He will share his ideas and thoughts on Complexity Challenges in Engineered Systems.

Jose B. Cruz, Jr. received the BS degree (summa cum laude) from the University of the Philippines, SM degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and PhD degree from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), all in electrical engineering. He had been Dean of the College of Engineering at Ohio State University (OSU), Chair of the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department at the University of California at Irvine (UCI) and Associate Head of the ECE Department at UIUC. He is Professor Emeritus at UIUC, UCI, and OSU.
Dr. Cruz is a Life Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), and Fellow of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). He received the American Automatic Control Council (AACC) Richard E. Bellman Control Heritage Award; the IEEE James H. Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal; the ASEE Curtis W. McGraw Research Award; the IEEE Richard M. Emberson Award; and the IEEE Education Society William E. Sayle III Achievement Award. He is a Member of the US National Academy of Engineering, and an Academician of the National Academy of Science and Technology of the Philippines.
Dr. Cruz authored or coauthored seven books and more than 300 journal articles, conference papers, and book chapters on sensitivity analysis in circuits and systems, and feedback strategies in decision making for complex systems.
Dr. Cruz served as President of the IEEE Control Systems Society, a member of the IEEE Board of Directors, IEEE Vice President for Technical Activities, and IEEE Vice President for Publications. He is a Licensed Professional Engineer (PE) in Illinois and Ohio and a Licensed Professional Electrical Engineer (PEE) in the Philippines.