The 2nd Philippine Nuclear Research and Development Conference (PNRDC2020) will be held from December 8 to 10 to coincide with the DOST Philippine Nuclear Research Institute’s Atomic Energy Week. This online conference aims to circulate the latest advancements on the national and international trends in nuclear R&D, impacts, and policies to the public, as well as to provide a forum for S&T and policy discourse among researchers and the general public.
The last PNRDC, held in 2018, led to the publication of a Special Issue on Nuclear S&T in the Philippine Journal of Science. Once again, the PNRDC2020 Organizing Committee is eyeing to produce another special issue from this year’s accepted submissions.
PNRDC2020 is inviting researchers with novel insights on nuclear S&T, including radiation, X-rays, isotopes, and related applications and policies, to submit an abstract for possible oral or poster presentation at this online conference.
The Abstract Template and Submission Guidelines can be found here: Please email your submission to: with the Subject: [Surname] – PNRDC 2020 Abstract – [Poster/Oral]. The deadline for submissions is on 6 November 2020 at 11:59 PM.
Further inquiries may be sent to the Conference Secretariat: