The Philippine-American Academy of Science & Engineering (PAASE) organized Dr. Mario Martone’s online lecture Understanding Geometry Through Nature and Nature Through Geometry. The webinar was held on 6 November 2020 at 8AM (Friday, Philippine Time) or 5 November 2020 at 8PM (Thursday, US Eastern Time).
A recording of the webinar is available at this YouTube link.
About the webinar
Since the early days of calculus and classical mechanics, physics and mathematics have been in a symbiotic relationship. The physics of the 20th (and 21st!) century has brought this relation to yet new highs with no end of exciting new results in sight! We will explore these con nections starting from Einstein’s theory of General Relativity. In this context I will review the singularity theorem which granted Roger Pen rose this year’s physics Nobel prize. I will then turn to Supersymmetry and String Theory and the fascinating world of complex geometry which continues to inspire physicists and mathematicians worldwide, transforming our understanding of reality.
About the speaker
Mario Martone is a Theoretical Physicist and Research Assistant Professor with a joint position at the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics and the C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics at The State University of New York at Stony Brook. He was born and raised in Italy and obtained his Ph.D. from Cornell University. He has done work in a wide variety of topics ranging from quantum gravity to the physics of particle acceler ators. His current research program focuses on the overlaps between high-energy physics and abstract mathematics.
Mario Martone was an Invited Speaker at the 2019 SPP Physics Conference in Bohol, where he talked about superconformal field theory.