The M. Victoria Carpio Bernido Fellowship is designed to provide doctoral degree holders in the sciences a brief period to do research outside of their regular university environment, create research activities outside of big cities, and inspire young minds by exposing the next generation to scientists The Fellowship will be carried out in the Central Visayan Institute Foundation (CVIF) in Jagna, Bohol, Philippines. The CVIF, as one of the sites of Science Corps, regularly hosts a stream of young PhD’s from different countries and from various disciplines. Multidisciplinary research is encouraged. The CVIF is also home to a school that developed an innovative systems approach to process-induced learning called the CVIF Dynamic Learning Program (DLP) which has been applied in many Philippine educational institutions at the elementary, secondary, and tertiary levels. The selected candidate, who may come from any part of the world, may spend four (4) months to a year at CVIF.
- The Fellowship begins on 1 August 2023.
- The chosen candidate will receive a monthly stipend of PhP 60,000 (1,000 USD) plus free lodging.
- The application deadline is 30 April 2023. The successful applicant will be notified by June 2023.
- Applications may be submitted online to cvif.jagna@gmail.com or cbernido.cvif@gmail.com.
- Has obtained a PhD or doctoral degree in the sciences
- Curriculum Vitae with a list of peer-reviewed international scientific publications
- Application letter stating the type and outline of his or her own research to be conducted or written for publication
- Two recommendation letters sent directly to cbernido.cvif@gmail.com.
- Willing to teach one subject in research or the sciences in the Senior High School of the CVIF. Teaching will follow the Dynamic Learning Program using Learning Activity Sheets applied in all subjects (see e.g. CVIF E-Learning).
- Benjamin Rubin, PhD, University of California, Berkeley
- Hyunjin Shim, PhD, Ghent University Global Campus
- Janneli Lea Soria, PhD, CVIF
- Ronald Lloren, ETH, Zurich
- Christopher C. Bernido, PhD, CVIF (Chair)
To spur and spread research activities outside of the major cities in the Philippines, the CVIF created the Research Center for Theoretical Physics and the JAZC Marine Sciences Laboratory as jump-off points for interdisciplinary research. The CVIF is also the home of the CVIF Dynamic Learning Program (DLP) which has been implemented in hundreds of schools all over the Philippines at the elementary, high school, and university levels. The CVIF-DLP has been a research topic of many graduate dissertations in the past.
- M. Maulion, et al., Physica Scripta 98, 015202 (2022)
- A. R. B. Elnar, et al., Climate Dynamics 57, 2701 (2021)
- K. M. Gerodias, et al., Physica Scripta 96, 125038 (2021)
- J. L. Soria, et al., Philippine Journal of Science 150, 997 (2021)
The small coastal town of Jagna in the island province of Bohol is situated at the northern part of Bohol Sea which has been considered by some marine biologists as the center of the center of biodiversity. About 200 km from the eastern edge of Bohol Sea is the Philippine Deep (depth ~10.5 km), and roughly 250 km from the western edge is the Tubbataha Reefs (UNESCO World Heritage Site). Bohol island is known for its white beaches, snorkeling and diving sites, the Tarsier, Chocolate Hills, scenic rivers, as well as its rich cultural and historical heritage. The town of Jagna has a port which connects it to several neighboring provinces by sea. Jagna is 74 km (1.5 hrs drive) from Panglao International Airport in Bohol. There are several direct daily flights from Manila to Panglao, and ferries from Cebu to Tagbilaran (63 km from Jagna). Manila and Cebu are international gateway cities.