Energy-X Mini-Symposium 2022

The Laboratory of Electrochemical Engineering at the University of the Philippines Diliman invites everyone to join the Energy-X Mini-Symposium 2022: Recent Advances in Computational Discovery of Energy Materials on 30 June 2022, 3:00–6:00 PM (PHT), via the Zoom virtual conferencing platform and Facebook Live.

The Energy-X Mini-Symposium provides an opportunity for participants to listen to and learn more about the application of density functional theory (DFT) in academic and professional settings. Invited speakers from international universities will be discussing their experiences with DFT in their research projects.

It is also the culminating activity of the Energy-X Summer School 2022: DFT and its Applications to Energy Storage Technologies, an eight-session online course, spread over eight weeks, which drew over 20 students from eleven universities from around the world.

Registration for this symposium is free and will close on 28 June 2022.
