39th SPP Physics Conference | Online
SPP2021 Participants
Australia | 3 |
Canada | 2 |
Germany | 2 |
Hong Kong | 1 |
Italy | 1 |
Japan | 14 |
Malaysia | 2 |
South Korea | 3 |
Philippines | 248 |
Singapore | 1 |
Taiwan | 1 |
United States | 6 |
Co-organizers and
Partner Institutions
SPP2021 Sponsors
About the Keynote Speaker
J. Michael Kosterlitz is a theoretical physicist recognized for his work with David J. Thouless on the application of topological ideas to the theory of phase transitions in two-dimensional systems with a continuous symmetry. This work was recognized by the Lars Onsager prize in 2000, membership in the AAAS 2007, by the 2016 Nobel Prize for physics, and election to the NAS in 2017. He graduated from Cambridge University earning a BSc in Physics in 1965, an MA in 1966, and received a D. Phil. from Oxford in 1969. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Torino University, Italy, in 1970 and at Birmingham University, U.K., from 1970-1973. There he met David Thouless and together they did their groundbreaking work on phase transitions mediated by topological defects in two dimensions. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Cornell in 1974, on the faculty at Birmingham 1974-1981 and Professor of Physics at Brown University 1982 up to the present.
Conference Days:
20-22 October 2021
Physics and Society Forum:
20 October 2021
Physics Academic Festival:
21 October 2021
Oath-Taking of New SPP Members:
22 October 2021
SPP Business Meeting:
22 October 2021
Keynote Speaker
- J. Michael Kosterlitz, 2016 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics
Invited Speakers
- Michael Andrews, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- Epifanio Bagarinao, Nagoya University, Japan
- Maria Vanessa Balois-Oguchi, RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics, Japan
- Aparna Baskaran, Brandeis University, USA
- Reginald Bernardo, University of the Philippines Diliman
- Juan Felipe Carrasquilla, Vector Institute, Canada
- Jayson Cosme, University of the Philippines Diliman
- Katherine Develos-Bagarinao, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
- Mary Clare Escaño, University of Fukui, Japan
- Marvin Flores, University of the Philippines Diliman
- Muneaki Hase, University of Tsukuba, Japan
- Daniel Kennefick, University of Arkansas, USA
- Ondrej Kitzler, Macquarie University, Australia
- Bum-Hoon Lee, Sogang University, Korea
- Christopher Monterola, Asian Institute of Management
- Marie Paz Morales, Philippine Normal University & National Research Council of the Philippines
- Sithi Viniyakam Muniandy, University of Malaya, Malaysia
- Karim Omambac, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany
- Helen Pask, Macquarie University, Australia
- Uzziel Perez, University of Alabama, USA
- Darwin Putungan, University of the Philippines Los Baños
- Kurunathan Ratnavelu, University of Malaya, Malaysia
- Dominik Šafránek, Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, Korea
- Mayrose Salvador, Pueblo Science & University of Toronto
- Edward Carlo Samson, Miami University, USA
- Haibin Su, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Juzar Thingna, Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, Korea
- Michele Vallisneri, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
- Matthias Vojta, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
- Yang Bo, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Day 1
20 October 2021
0900-0910 Opening Program
0910-0940 Keynote Address
INV-KA-01 J. Michael Kosterlitz – A random walk through physics to the Nobel Prize
0940-1020 Plenary Session 1A
INV-1A-02 Mayrose Salvador – Capacity building in science education in rural communities
INV-1A-03 Helen Pask – A new approach to measuring subsurface water temperature using Raman spectroscopy and LIDAR methodsBreak
1030-1135 Parallel Sessions 1B & 1C
1B Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science
INV-1B-01 Mary Clare Escaño – Origin of two-step photon absorption in GaAs thin film by first-principles spin-orbit calculations and STM/STS measurements1C Cosmology and Astrophysics
INV-1C-01 Reginald Bernardo – The dark Universe: Theory and data assembliesBreak
1300-1340 Plenary Session 1D
INV-1D-01 Kurunathan Ratnavelu – Complex networks and physics
INV-1D-02 Epifanio Bagarinao – Brain imaging: From functional mapping to mind readingBreak
1350-1455 Parallel Sessions 1E & 1F
1E Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science
INV-1E-06 Karim M. Omambac – Synthesis of large-area and high quality borophene on Ir(111) via thermal catalytic decomposition of borazine (B3H6N3)1F Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
INV-1F-06 Jayson Cosme – Driven-dissipative three-level Dicke model in an atom-cavity systemBreak
Poster Sessions
1500-1540 PA/EA Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science
1540-1620 PB/EB Complex Systems, Photonics, and Interdisciplinary Topics
1620-1700 PC/EC Theoretical and Mathematical PhysicsBreak
1700-1900 Physics and Society Forum 1H
Day 2
21 October 2021
0900-0940 Plenary Session 2A
INV-2A-01 Juzar Thingna – Monitoring quantum Otto engines
INV-2A-02 Marie Paz E. Morales – The Philippine STEAM educationBreak
0950-1055 Parallel Sessions 2B & 2C
2B Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
INV-2B-01 Edward Carlo Samson – Shortcuts and banked curves: Fast but high fidelity transport of ultracold atoms2C Instrumentation and Environmental Physics
1105-1205 Plenary Session 2D
INV-2D-01 Muneaki Hase – Femtosecond lattice and spin dynamics in solid-state materials
INV-2D-02 Christopher Monterola – Case studies of how the science of data drives industry and government innovations in the Philippines
INV-2D-03 Michele Vallisneri – Exploring the dark Universe with gravitational wavesBreak
1300-1600 Physics Academic Festival 2E
1610-1725 Parallel Sessions 2F & 2G
2F Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science
INV-2F-01 Maria Vanessa Balois-Oguchi – High stability Raman spectroscopy systems for nanoscale characterization2G Biological and Medical Physics
INV-2G-01 Haibin Su – Influence on DNA cleavage activities by mutations in CRISPR/Cas9Break
1735-1815 Plenary Session 2H
INV-2H-01 Matthias Vojta – Quantum magnetism, spin liquids, and topology
INV-2H-02 YANG Bo – Anyon dynamics in fractional quantum Hall systems and their experimental implicationsBreak
Day 3
22 October 2021
0900-0940 Plenary Session 3A
INV-3A-01 Daniel Kennefick – A brief history of gravitational wave emission
INV-3A-02 Bum-Hoon Lee – Einstein gravity and beyondBreak
0950-1055 Parallel Sessions 3B & 3C
3B Fields and Particle Physics
INV-3B-01 Cilicia Uzziel Perez – Understanding proton complexity and finding cracks in the Standard Model
INV-3B-02 Michael Andrews – End-to-end physics reconstruction or what if we can’t reconstruct new physics at the CERN LHC?
INV-3B-03 Marvin M. Flores – Stealth supersymmetry and the minimal universal extra dimensions in light of Run 2 of the Large Hadron Collider3C Complex Systems and Data Analytics; Biological and Medical Physics
INV-3C-01 Juan Felipe Carrasquilla – Machine learning meets quantum matter
INV-3C-02 Darwin Putungan – Ab-initio Random Structure Searching (AIRSS) and machine learning: Applications in energy storage systemsBreak
1105-1145 Plenary Session 3D
INV-3D-01 Katherine Develos-Bagarinao – Innovating energy materials for zero-carbon societies
INV-3D-02 Sithi Vinayakam Muniandy – Noisy quantum walkBreak
1300-1420 Sponsor Presentations
1510-1615 Parallel Sessions 3E & 3F
3E Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
INV-3E-01 Ondrej Kitzler – Using lasers for generation of THz radiation3F Physics Education; Complex Systems and Data Analytics
1625-1705 Plenary Session 3G
INV-3G-01 Aparna Baskaran – Active matter: Applying the materials physics paradigm to biology
INV-3G-02 Dominik Šafránek – Which entropy increases in isolated quantum systems?Break

Guidelines for Contributed Poster submission
The poster must be in PDF format, portrait orientation, size A4, and total size of less than 10 Mb.
Design your poster effectively so that it can deliver the message successfully.
The top portion of the poster should include the title and authors’ names including affiliations.
Poster number PX-YY/EX-YY in white background should be visible on the top-right corner of the poster.
Name the poster based on the poster number (e.g. PC-01.pdf). A Google account (and other related institutional email) is required to upload the poster file.
The presenter is responsible for creating a Zoom Meeting Room to accommodate inquiries from the participants. For more efficient discussion, it is not recommended to require the participants to register for the meeting.
The presenter’s Zoom details (zoom link with QR code, zoom meeting ID, and passcode) should be visible in the bottom – left corner of the poster.
Make sure that you have the needed copyrights to the images and media in your poster to allow SPP to distribute it. A reference citation is not sufficient: you may need to obtain full permission from the copyright owners to grant SPP distribution rights.
Authors of Contributed Talks are encouraged to upload a copy of their presentation to ensure smooth transitions between speakers. Also, they may submit a recording of their eight (8) minute talk if they expect disruptions in their internet connectivity.
Invited Speakers may also upload their presentations through this form if they anticipate connectivity or bandwidth issues.
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